ISEA2020 Tag

ISEA 2020 Online

Join us Thursday October 15th at 10:15EST for Paper Presentations session 5 – MATTERS MATTERING: COLLECTIVE INTERACTIONS AND PLAY as part of ISEA 2020 online.

The program is as follows:

Data, Sense, Resonance: An Art of Diabetic Self-Tracking – Samuel Thulin [CA]

Playing with Emotions: Biosignal-based Control in Virtual Reality Game Project H.E.A.R.T. – Erin Gee / Sofian Audry [CA] / Alex Lee [US]

Beyond the turn and towards the event: analyzing the curatorial as a material-discursive practice – Renata Azevedo Moreira [CA]

Reclaiming and Commemorating Difficult Felt Experiences – Aisling Kelliher [US]

Discussion with Session Chair Jonah Brucker-Cohen [US]

During this presentation I will speak about the integration of physiological data into my VR game Project H.E.A.R.T. as a means of inserting physicality into the algorithms that govern the behaviour of in-game agents.